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An image displaying the logos of EU (ESF-Plus) & Saxony(SAB), which financed this project.
Our Project
AI Paper Maker is a collaborative ESF Plus-funded research project between TU Dresden and the Dresden-based startup ByteBuzzer GmbH. With AI Paper Maker, we want to shape the future of research and scientific communication. At the heart of the project lies researching an innovative Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) architecture for a scientific writing aid. This XAI architecture will be designed to process data with a high degree of transparency, focusing on the authenticity and accuracy of the content as well as data security.
Our mission is to change the way researchers and scientists approach paper writing and publishing. We do this by researching a scientific XAI architecture that can process data accurately, transparently and safely. Our goal within the three-year timeframe is to lay a solid foundation, enabling us to create a prototype application that transforms the landscape of academic writing.
Our Goals
Currently, conducting research and writing papers are time intensive activities. Increasing competition for funding and pressure to publish high quality papers add to the stressors of researchers. Publications – as measured in the Hirsch Index – are the most common ranking measures for individual researchers and institutions. Additionally, literature research becomes more tedious with the massive amount of published research papers. We want to help you discover more, while researching less.